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Guru Gobind Singh College of Management and Technology was established in 2009, is an educationally backward area of Punjab in the city Giddarbaha . To meet the educational requirement of the rural folk people of this area. This institute decided to provide facilities of hire education, the college has been named after the Dasam Guru of Sikhs, Shri Guru Gobind Singh ji, a great scholar himself and savior of humanity and function under the aegis of G.G.S Society Giddarbaha. G.G.S College was established under the dynamic leadership of Hon’ble Chief Minister of Punjab Sardar Parkash Singh Badal, a great leader, social reform and humanist. Guru Gobind Singh College and Information tech. is being managed efficiently by its Managing Director Dr. N.R. Sharma an eminent educationalist. The Group is determined to prepare a team of young scholar who are enthusiastic enough to raise the need of the hour and resolved to fight the evils of the society. We try to revitalize the spirit of the patriotism which has received set back in recent times by inspiring the students to follow the great legacy of our rich cultural heritage.


Guru Gobind Singh College of Management and Technology has mission to develop the intellectual and creative students to enable them not only to withstand the changes in the field of Management and technology education. But also to bad by innovative initiatives and to prepare prospective students for the global, diverse, change intensive and technologically sophisticated environment of present and future. To adopt academic programmes which ensures quality enrichment sustenance in higher education in the quest for excellence. To encourage self-evaluation accountability and indigenous culture amongst the faculty members and the students. To enhance quality management in the complete work-culture of the institution by the increased use of IT and innovation management program. To work towards optimum and meaningful utilization of human, infrastructural and financial resources. To foster the realization of social responsibilities and citizenship role amongst students. To arrange working with industries and other stakeholders of higher education for quality improvement.


Be globally acknowledged as a seat of academic excellence with enriched learning environment that inspires and empowers the students towards building a conservative’s society. Our motto is to equip competent qualified, foresighted and innovative teachers for the society by imbibing in them a desire of excellence, development of right attitudes and qualities or head and heart about us.Aims and Ojectives:

1) To provide quality education in ambience
2) To make woman an ideal amalgamation of tradition and technology
3) To create total quality culture with pro-active participation of the students
4) To make curriculum more relevant and flexible with the use of innovation techniques and professional skills
5) To createequal opportunities for education, research and employment for all
6) To create young minds armed with knowledge and love for the nation
7) To produce ideal citizens empowered for econmic growth with a value systems
8) To endow our students with physical and spirituals strength and to produce sports person with global competence

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